I want to take care of the older children in the family as well! As some do participate in the lifestyle family sessions, they still want their unique, personalized Senior Session. I have a blast at these sessions! I get seniors that bring their personality out by sharing their own ideas and thoughts to how they want to be photographed. I pose but essentially, they know how to do their thing.

These sessions are outdoors, in natural light. Personally, golden hour (sunrise or sunset time) is my favorite time for these photoshoots.
I let my seniors bring up to 3 outfits to their photoshoot. I suggest a formal-ish outfit (for yearbook and Grandma), a fun and casual type of outfit and their cap and gown or weatherman jacket, if they have it.

I don't usually allow props at my sessions but senior sessions are an exception. Play a sport? Bring the gear and clothing. Play an instrument? Bring it! You won the chess tournament? Let's showcase that! I will be in contact with my seniors beforehand; we don't want to get out of hand on the props, too many will make it a bit cheesy.

Moms and Dads are more than welcome to attend these sessions! Be ready for me to throw you in some candid shots though!